

Month before the exam what do you need to do

It’s not exactly about this testing, but about what you should know and have time to do in the last month before the exam.

  1. Calm down

One can confidently say that at this stage, graduates have long been bored with some words, like tests, exams, essays, scores and many others. Someone starts to panic – I do not know anything, everything is mixed up, what to do … Others keep themselves in hand, and roughly a month before the first testing they carry out a conditional border: what has already been achieved, that is left under it, and what is ahead – it is necessary to finalize, to finish, add. Believe me, it’s easier and calmer, because when you see concrete results, self-confidence increases dramatically. And you are boldly moving on. So calm down and keep preparing.

  1. View the program again

Of course, not a TV program, but an official program of the ministry to prepare for each subject. The secret is that it is for this task tests. And everyone knows this. Nothing “left” will not be there. Look at it again or look the first time (in every possible way). Select a bright color marker that you already know, and another color (or in any way) what is left. So it’s really easier and faster to navigate the whole mountain of topics and materials.

  1. Tests, tests, tests …

They have become boring. But how without them? Training by testing – the only way to learn to perform different types of tasks, increase the speed of their execution. Online tests or tests in textbooks will do the same. With online tests faster, and in textbooks – it is close to real testing. In addition, pay more attention to the real tests of the past years, they are of special value, because all the others can be quite light, too complicated or do not answer the program as much as necessary.

  1. Formulas, tables, charts, summaries

According to most teachers and ex-participants, the exam is not a test for determining the general level of knowledge, but for knowing the details, formulas, dates, that is, that does not concern a common understanding of a specific subject. For example, in mathematics one must know the formulas and be able to apply them; according to literature – genres of works, names of characters, pseudonyms of authors and many other things.

Therefore, one month before the test, one already has to have or immediately start looking for / making “cribs”. Only not those from which it is possible to write off on the USE, but those with which it is very easy and fast to repeat. It should be tables, charts, abstracts, formulas, info graphics, shortened works. For some intensive training during the last month or a comfortable repetition.

  1. Be smart

It would seem, what does intelligence have to do with it? And the fact that the further from the beginning are the tasks in testing, so they are more difficult. It is often necessary to include a lot of logic, attentiveness and ingenuity in order to find the right answer. There are many assignments made at the intersection of topics. So, apart from knowledge, additional possibilities will come in handy. And if someone claims maximum points, then it’s worth training not only to solve typical tasks from collections or school textbooks, but also non-standard ones, from directories, for example.

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